Why is Head Massage a great technique

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Indian Head Massage

Head Massage is an Indian, ancient massage technique, which treats head as a distinctive part of the body and dedicates special procedures and techniques for to massage it.

Head Massage is an Indian, ancient massage technique, which treats head as a distinctive part of the body and dedicates special procedures and techniques for to massage it. Head Massage is an ancient massage technique which treats head as a distinctive part to be massaged. Unfortunately the head is very often forgotten when it comes to massage, because we tend to focus on the muscular parts of the body. We tend to think that muscles benefit more from a massage. This is not true. The head and neck area is filled with nervous terminations and reflexive points that can stimulate other parts of your body. These facts were widely known to people of the ancient India. They developed a special branch of massage Champi, (Head-Massage), which is a very popular and wide spread massage practice. There are many other benefits from having a head massage:

    Some of the benefits of Head Massage

  • Various skin problems resulting in itchy, dry, flaky, and possibly inflamed skin;
  • Various hair problems resulting in dry, thinning, or hair loss;
  • Preventative maintenance of scalp’s skin and hair
  • Improved blood circulation on the scalp area
  • Improved mood by the endorphins released during the massage

The amazing thing about Head Massage is that it doesn’t require a special setup, it can be performed almost anywhere, your client can use a regular chair, and the recipient can remain fully clothed during the session. If you want to learn how to give a Head Massage check this page How to do a Head Massage for a step by step manual. For detailed bodywork and massage procedures and videos with different Massage Techniques check the online manual Learn to Massage.

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