The Importance of Touch

This entry is part [part not set] of 13 in the series Learn Massage

Touch is extremely important in our life, not only because it allows us to explore the world beyond sight or hearing, but because it’s an amazing communication tool. Massage permits us to explore unknown territories within us.

Massage Techniques Glossary

This entry is part 13 of 13 in the series Learn Massage

The Swedish massage is the basis of all modern massage therapy variations. It is often called Classic Massage. Various techniques used in a Swedish massage don’t sound English and for many of us their meaning is mysterious. Even English terms are hard to understand for many of us.


This is only an information site and users should get advice from a qualified medical practitioner if carrying out the recommendations. It is at the users own risk to make use of any of these recommendations, ideas and techniques.

Why Do We Need Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. Everybody, regardles age or sex, should benefit from a couple of massage therpy sessions per month. There are many types of Massage Therapy because the human body has diferent needs. The social and cultural environment had also played an important role. No matter the type of Massage the purpose of it is to you to reconnect to your energetic resources, be it body fluids or more subtle energy streams.

Massage Contraindications

This entry is part [part not set] of 13 in the series Learn Massage

Massage is perceived as one of the safest medical practices, with the least risks involved. However, there are situations when massage contraindicated because it would worsen an existing condition. Sometimes the advice of a physician should be asked for a massage.

Indian and Tibetan Head Massage

Chair Massage
This entry is part [part not set] of 7 in the series Indian Head Massage

Head Massage – Deep Relaxation

Head Massage is one of the most relaxing types of massages, yet a very powerful tool against stress and many of the modern illnesess.
Head Massage is an amazing Alternative Medicine tool. It is convenient, it doesn’t require a special place, it can be done almost everywhere and the patient can remain fully clothed during the session.